Become part of KFB Clarfeld Germany.
There are many challenges, but we stand up to them.
On this page you can find information on current vacancies in our company.
Moreover, we are on the lookout for distributors of our products in / for various countries.
Have we roused your interest? Then go ahead and contact us.
2+ Years Experience
In order to make our products and services still better available, we are looking for KFB agents in divers countries (the following map shows you where).
As a freelance KFB agent you will advise, and win, new customers and partners. You will be responsible for your own region and establish new customer relations.
We are after flexible, ambitious, top-class distribution partners, who back the mission and credo of our business.
KFB agent profile
- technical knowhow and distribution access in the field of ball-and roller bearings, chains and sprocket wheels
- marketing prowess and reliability
- extensive experience of the market for bearings and drive technology
- spotting of new market potentials
- proactive and flexible personality with a lot of energy and ambition
- communication and social skills
- success-oriented entrepreneurial way of thinking
- expansion of our customer network
- great willingness to achieve and to travel
We are searching for light blue countries.
